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A New You for Summer Suit Weather

Suit and summer means bathing suit weather and all of the exposure we will have to bare. Even if no one is really paying attention to our every curve, fold and tan line, WE feel like we want to put our best foot (and selves) forward to feel comfortable in the warming weather.

Speaking of tan lines…

There are several ways to not have any! We can use a tanning bed, but those are NOT recommended any more as the rays that give us a glow, also promote skin cancer. Of course sitting in the sun without all over sunscreen is also dangerous, but a great sunscreen product used judiciously along with a head covering is best. We DO need about 15 minutes a day of unblocked sun for the best vitamin D absorption, so eat lunch or walk in the sun if possible and that 15 minutes a day will also keep your skin glowing. I mention a hat because even at a young age we are starting to have thinning hair and our scalps are more exposed to the sun’s rays with each passing year. Self-tanners are really the best way to get your glow on…just make sure you don’t then assume you are protected from the sun! Sunscreen is still required.

Whiter teeth make us look tanner! An all over healthy smile makes us more confident and since gum disease has directly now been linked to poor heart health…our entire body is at risk if our mouth’s health is not taken care of. Regular dental visits, electric tooth brushing and flossing twice a day and antimicrobial rinses or mouthwash all help keep our mouth feeling its best and whiteners are cropping up in most toothpastes and mouthwashes anyway. Even dental flosses offer a whitening brand. Your dentist can recommend the best whitening system for your teeth if you want to go lighter. Professional grade strips, bleach trays, in-home and in-office whiteners fit all budgets and time schedules. Make that dental appointment now!

Hands and feet need a touch up as well. A fresh manicure/pedicure can be done at home as well as at a salon. Our tootsies will be peeking out of sandals or going bare…so brighten them up with new polish and skin care. Foot “sanders” and creams soften and smooth rough patches. Don’t forget the knees and elbows as far as the softening goes too! Shaving our armpits, legs and bikini areas needs extra attention in the summer months. Sun exposure dries out skin and shaving right before or after a day at the beach can cause bumps or a rash to appear. Try out samples of products to see which one works best with your skin type! Make sure you follow directions and recommendations from your dermatologist or salon expert if you have gotten any treatments such as skin peels or use products that are meant to remove excess layers of dead skin cells, etc. You could be in for a nasty rash, scarring or excessive redness if you are in the sun along with using these products. Ask and read ALL labels! A bronzer or blush may be what you need to use on exposed areas until you no longer use these products…

Of course we feel better when we’re healthy inside and out! Exercise is the easiest thing to talk about, but the hardest thing to keep up with for most of us. However, a bathing suit may just be the much needed boost. Toning and shaping our bodies is ideal, but so is our inner health. There are so many detox plans and juices that can jump start our bodies to lose weight or just be healthier. Make sure to eat healthy, not crash diet. A day’s worth of computer research is worth it to make sure you set up a plan that is healthy but WORKS. Eat your greens or drink them…either way add more of them more veges and less starches and sugars and you’re on your way!

Hair needs to look good no matter WHAT time of year it is. That is the one thing that makes us feel great or crummy (bad hair day) no matter what we wear. New sulfite-free shampoos, fancy blow-outs, dry shampoos, dyes, cuts, straightening and curls all are in the bucket of choices for how we want to look. However, we need hair to work with and it does start to thin as we age. The latest in laser hair therapy for women, and men too is the best natural hair loss treatment that actually works to restore our follicles to optimum health. Low level light therapy (LLLT) or cool lasers in a laser hair brush produces a thicker, shinier, stronger hair shaft that can withstand the rigors of sun along with all of the other treatments that we throw at it! Laser hair restoration is just the opposite of the treatments used to remove hair. The lower, cooler wavelength just stimulates blood flow to the level of the follicle which brings in food and nutrients and takes away waste product so that each hair follicle is running at its best! Think of it as “hair exercise” but easier as this new treatment for thinning hair actually does all the work. Check out the Nutreve Personal Hair Therapy Laser!

This summer you’ll be looking great from head to toe!