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Food as a Thinning Hair Treatment

The best way to help our thinning locks is by using a natural hair loss treatment. It can all start with the foods you eat! A balanced diet with no major swings in dieting or overeating in one category stresses our systems the least. This in turn places less stress on even the hair follicles on our heads. Our hair is produced in tiny bulb-like housings in our scalp which are fed and nourished by the constant blood flow in that area. Since our blood is a great reflection of the nutrients or lack of in our entire systems, it figures that our skin, muscles, brain cells and even our hair follicles are directly affected by its condition

A head of dull, dry, brittle hair not only shows our scalp condition worse than a mane of shiny, thick hair, but it is more prone to breakage and split ends. Since hair is made of proteins, eating this nutrient will help it be included in each strand produced. 46 grams a day is ideal. Zinc, iron and omega-3s are also important for hair health.

For a healthy, shiny pate, make sure to include the following foods in that balanced diet. Soybeans are an excellent source of protein. They can stand in quite nicely if we are a vegan or vegetarian to make sure to make up for protein lost by not eating meat. Zinc can best be found in oysters. Your nails and your sex life can benefit too! Iron is found naturally in beef products and your red blood cells need it to transport oxygen to all areas of your body including your follicles. Follicles continually fed with a fresh supply of oxygen, proteins and zinc can produce a thicker, shinier hair strand. Omega-3s are also needed as scalp protectors. They keep away dry flakey skin which clogs the pores of the follicle and keep down inflammation which can hinder a follicle’s production. Salmon and avocados are rich in Omega-3s. A little vitamin D from sunshine and some vitamin C from bright, colorful vegetables also keep the strands coming out strong and keep them from breaking and splitting.

If you cannot fill in all of these categories by eating properly or due to religious or health limitations, a quality supplement which also includes biotin is helpful for stimulating hair growth. Natural sources include meat, fish, poultry, eggs, nuts and beans. Now if only we could eat “properly” and yet not gain weight…or if we could keep weight on in our boobs and butts, but lose in our belly area…that would be a miracle. We’ll keep our eyes out for a pill like that!

A truly revolutionary treatment for thinning hair that will NOT make you gain weight is the laser hair brush. Made by Nutreve International and called the Nutreve Personal Hair Therapy Laser, the sleek, lightweight contoured design actually holds 35 pulsing cool red wavelength lasers. This natural hair loss treatment stimulates the blood flow around the base of the follicles, so that enriched blood from your healthy diet can now better nourish the follicles and carry away waste products even faster! That translates to faster growing hair that is thicker and shinier in no time. Used just 15-20 minutes every other day, this laser hair therapy for women (or men) can be used in conjunction with ANY diet, medication, hair type, hair color or condition. It can be used along with rogaine or after men’s hair transplant surgery. Of course a healthy diet and lifestyle are the best basis for a healthy body, but this new laser hair brush concept adds the boost that proper diet alone cannot provide for a healthy, shiny, full head of hair.