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Look at the Bottom of “Thinning Hair Treatment” Websites for Disclosures

I am scouring the internet for male and female hair loss treatments that do not carry a very scary disclosure statement at the bottom of the site! I want a natural hair loss treatment that will be able to adjust to my needs as I grow older. I am neither rich nor famous, but I sure would like to keep my hair around for as long as possible. Hair is truly associated with confidence, health and most importantly youth. I’m finding that there are some pitfalls though in my quest for the perfect treatment for thinning hair.

There are medicines I could take. Some are oral medications and as we all know those packages of ANY type of pill come with a tiny print foldout 10-page insert that we usually don’t read. I did read the ones that come with both the pill form and the manually applied medications…and it made me sick just thinking of all of the possibilities for illnesses and symptoms that “might” occur. I then checked out the websites and brochures for hair transplant sites, and as with any surgery, the disclosures and “what-ifs” were frightening.

Two down. Even wigs can cause further hair loss as a healthy scalp needs to breathe and those hair “crystals” and fillers fall out everywhere and “are not safe to inhale”…which is why I decided I do not want them on my head that close to my nose! Hair thickening shampoos and conditioners…ditto on the fact that your hair follicles need to be kept clear of debris that impede hair growth. Counter-intuitive I’d say!

The latest thinning hair treatment uses a robot! Sounds modern…

but it is still a harvesting of your own hair and replanting it…sounds natural. However, it only works on “straight black or brown hair”…and the cost is staggering. Scalp micropigmentation (a kind word for tattooing) sounds painful (3 needles for 3-4 hours for 3 sessions) and carries its own set of disclosures along with a hefty price tag, travel and downsides. Then I looked at the sites for laser hair restoration. A laser hair comb or laser hair brush for hair loss had a lot of the things I had been looking for. No downtime, no travel time, no pain, no pills or medications, no health restrictions, no needles, no disclosures! This laser hair therapy device could be the answer. Laser hair therapy for women (as well as laser hair therapy for men) can be purchased from a reputable website that sells a device cleared by the FDA with NO KNOWN SIDE EFFECTS. Now that’s what I like to see!

The price tag for the Nutreve Personal Hair Therapy Laser for example is only $600. Rechargeable batteries (with charger included!) mean that there is no hidden cost or future outlay. This particular model has more lasers (35), more coverage area and more power than any other, and can be purchased with a hands-free stand that eliminates any discomfort from having to hold anything over your head for 15 minutes or more every other day! They’ve thought of everything! It’s lightweight, discreet, travels well and was conceived and is manufactured here in the good ole U.S.A. No disclosures needed!