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Old Problem…Old Remedy…With a Twist

Men go bald and women’s hair thins. Not all of us grow older with this problem, but most of us will face a definite change in our hair thickness, shine and texture as we age. Add to our genetics, the years of sun, blow dryers, chlorine, shampoos, dyes, straighteners or perms all take a toll on the quality of our locks. In more ways than one, hair loss becomes an “old problem”.

Three to four decades ago, a scientist noticed that rats he was treating with lasers for wound healing began to grow a beautiful coat of hair at the sight being treated! Eventually tried on humans after cancer treatments and along with hair transplant surgery, the results were the same! Hair quantity and quality improved. Dermatology clinics and certain forward thinking salons invested in these “hood type” contraptions that folks sat under for laser hair therapy sessions every other day for months and then once a week for years until the time and gas expense became too much. After cessation of the treatment for several months or a year, this “old problem” came back.

Today, the desire for a thinning hair treatment is still the same. Now, however we want a natural hair loss treatment that also does not involve extensive trips to a clinic or salon and one that can be done easily at home. Enter the twist! Now laser hair therapy uses a laser hair brush instead of a bulky hood and the technology is housed in a lightweight, curved surface hair brush sized device that runs on rechargeable batteries for portability. Laser hair therapy for women helps the follicles produce a thicker, shinier hair shaft, and for men any living hair follicle will produce a thick, healthy hair shaft. Now, dead follicles cannot produce a hair no matter what treatment or internet sales site tells you…so we all need to start early on with this laser hair therapy to make sure we prevent follicles from losing their function… before thinning hair and balding becomes an “old problem”.

Some companies that produce this laser hair comb or brush use LED lights. This may look like it is working, but a true red, cold wave laser that is pulsed and set in a housing that fits the shape of your head and allows the laser to concentrate right at the follicle’s base level is by far the best option. The Nutreve Personal Hair Therapy Laser not only has all of these attributes, but it also houses 35 actual pulsing lasers which is more than any of its portable competitors. Also unique to the Nutreve laser hair brush for hair loss is a hands-free stand which lets you work on your computer, sew, read or do crafts while it holds the laser hair brush for you! All you have to do is move your head so that the area to be treated is under the device and your “in home” sessions are a breeze!

Hair is truly the physical attribute that trumps most others. Even if we have a rock hard body or a curvy figure, it just doesn’t look as good as it does under a beautiful, full head of hair! Considering that our scalp starts to age around 30 or even before, we need to take a close look in the mirror (or at our parents) and think of what our hair or lack of hair will look like in the NEXT 30 years. If we can prevent an “old” problem in the first place using new technology, we can save ourselves from medications, surgeries and lots of money spent on surface treatments over the long haul. Being proactive in the area of saving our best feature can help us keep our youthful looks (and locks) for a long, long time!