Men’s Hair Loss – Hair Treatment & Restoration for Men – Nutreve

Men’s Hair Loss – Hair Treatment & Restoration For Men – Nutreve (A Processed Video Transcription)


Treatment for Men’s Hair Loss

I’m John Vincent. For twenty eight years I’ve been involved in helping women and men find solutions to their hair loss problems. If you’re a man experiencing male pattern baldness, I can relate as I watch my own hair leave me by the time I was thirty.

John Vincent on Men's Hair Loss
John Vincent on Men’s Hair Loss

As the president of Nutreve International for Women and Men’s Hair Loss, I believe you will find our products to be the most natural, logical and safe way of holding on to and improving your thinning hair. While typically a genetic trait passed on through generations, from either side of the family, androgenetic alopecia affects approximately half of all men.

Many myths have surrounded women and men’s hair loss for centuries and many are still propagated today! The fact is, medical research has proven that the culprit which robs our hair is Dihydrotestosterone or DHT. Simply put, DHT is known to attack hair follicles that are receptive to its destructive powers.

Almost always this problem is on the top of the head, never on the sides and the back. You’ve find lots of unproven products on the market today that claim to remove or stop the formation of DHT. Most of these claims are patently false. Only one FDA approved drug Finasteride can block the formation of DHT.

Men's Hair Loss - No To Hair Transplant Surgery!
Men’s Hair Loss – No To Hair Transplant Surgery!

Recently, however, the long term efficacy of this drug has been questioned. Many men think that hair transplant surgery like I’ve had is the easy cure for baldness.

What men don’t realize is that hair transplant surgery doesn’t stop the balding process; it simply moves hair where you have an abundance to an area that is lacking. With enough money and extra hair to donate, you can expect good result.

It may take many sessions over many years to get to an endpoint however. As a result I have to explain to many men counseling them years after the hair transplant surgery, that they will experience balding again because they continued to lose their native hair and they’re left with only the transplanted hair.

So what if there was a way to halt hair loss and thicken existing hair without drugs or surgery? Well there is.

Nutreve 3500 Personal Low Level Laser Hair Therapy
Nutreve 3500 Personal Low Level Laser Hair Therapy

Low Lever Laser Hair Therapy (LHT) delivers cool light energy to the depth of the scalp where hair grows. Harvard Photo Medicine professor Dr. Michael Hemblon explains that LHT stimulates micro circulation of the blood flow to the follicles and opens up the pathways to the cells blocked by DHT which allows for ATP synthesis, the natural proliferation of new healthy cell growth.

The Nutreve 3500 Personal Low Level Laser Hair Therapy is the most powerful device of its kind available. Its ergonomic shape and smooth direct-to-the-scalp light delivery system ensures that you are receiving the most benefit LHT can deliver.

The result of using LHT is thicker, fuller, shinier looking hair and typically a halting of excessive hair loss that results in baldness. Used along with Nutreve hair therapy system, your hair can regain its fullest and healthy appearance with a regular regimen of treatment.

Low Level Laser Hair Therapy Results
Low Level Laser Hair Therapy Results

Of all the legitimate hair restoration treatments today – cover ups, drug therapy and surgery, low level laser light therapy is  the one answer for thinning hair which has no risk or down side. It’s not a quick fix and it does not work for everyone. If you have questions about women or men’s hair loss situation, let us know.

You’ll find numerous examples of LHT results on this website and it can help you compare your hair loss situation with others that we have helped.

And remember Nutreve products are guaranteed. Your satisfaction is our number one concern.

You can also check out this site to learn about women’s hair loss treatment –