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Hair Loss Treatments In Your Thirties

Ageless Beauty for our Hair:

One Decade at a Time

We would all like to age gracefully, or at least slower! But, it seems like the only thing that goes slowly is the growth of thick, healthy hair as we age. . The instant fix of Botox, permanent lip color, gel nails, etc make it seem like everything can be fixed faster. Now, there is a laser hair brush out there that doesn’t remove hair. It actually helps us grow healthier, thicker, shinier hair…all in the right places! And, although not instant, laser hair restoration can reverse the aging process of our hair follicles. Fountain of Youth anyone?

This series of hair discovery articles will be about how to help our hair look its best at any age. Even those in their 20s sometimes need a little help, but in general hair problems can be made easier later in life if we start recognizing problem areas that can start in our 30s. Keeping hair healthy starting here can help us grow healthy hair through the ages…

At the age of 30 we are so much more responsible for our clothing choices, body health and overall style. We’ve gone past the fads and now dress for success at work or as a home mom, or both! The unfortunate side to all of this is that now we have stress! Stress can cause certain hormones to spike, and this spike can cause hair loss by shedding. Poor nutrition as we juggle careers and home life can also cause the hair follicles to slow production and current hair to become brittle and more easily breakable. Laser hair therapy is a new technology that is stress-free to use and cancels out the results of stress on hair. A laser hair comb and attention to our diet just may be all we need to get back to healthy hair.

Also, it is at this time that we start to notice our skin becoming dryer and we start using facial and body creams and moisturizers. Our scalp too is losing the same fatty cells that keep it plump and fed. Moisturizing shampoos and conditioners will help combat dryness and making sure that we keep hydrated from the inside out is also a help. So, start downing water and other healthy fluids. In order to keep our scalp oils properly and evenly spread out over the scalp surface, the old adage of “100 brush strokes a day” may not be that far off! Before shampoos were so readily available and widely used, brushing hair kept the scalp clean and the hair shafts properly oiled.

They still do make horsehair brushes, and they still do the trick. They also stimulate the scalp so that blood flow can keep the follicles fed and open. Natural bristles are better than plastic ones as well as they are more gentle on the hair shaft. As we age, hair follicles tend to wither and dry up. At this point hair diminishes in size and eventually stops growing altogether. Shedding can start as young as our 30s due to this condition. So, use this natural hair loss treatment to your advantage starting young!

Trying to get our hair to behave in a manner that is unnatural is also hard on hair and scalp. If we have curly hair, we want it straightened. If we have straight hair, we want to get a permanent wave or curls. And don’t even get into the color!

Most 30 year old’s may just be starting to see a gray hair here and there, and everyone seems to want blonder, streaks, darker, redder…anything other than what we already are. Both color processes and curl producing or straightening processes damage hair. To rejuvenate these precious hair follicles, try the latest treatment for thinning hair. It is safe to use on all types of hair, ethnicity and safe with all hair colors!

or treated hair. The Nutreve Personal Hair Laser is the best on the market. What we can get away with in our 30s won’t last long! Keeping away split ends with proper and frequent cutting as well as not damaging hair with elastic bands and rough clips is also a must at any age.

Keep your eyes posted for our series “Ageless Beauty for our Hair…One Decade at a Time”!

Next up is a look at hair in our 40s.