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Sexy Sixties

Ageless Beauty for our Hair:

One Decade at a Time

“You go girl!”

Funny how we used to hate being called “girl” and thought it disrespectful and demeaning. Bring it on now! Lady or Mrs. X just sound much too formal and OLD. Our lives have hopefully settled in, medications and our bodies have stabilized and we now just have to plan how to bow out or change careers or find the energy to keep working! We also want to resist sagging, hair loss and ANYTHING having to do with gravity at this point. We need to use our extra time for fun activities as well as healthy ones. Taking time to enjoy our friends and new rituals (meditation, tea time, spa, travel) also lets us “fuss” more with our bodies and we relax, which in turn is good for our whole body’s health.

Split Ends

By now, we know the advantages of sun block, exercise, hydration and great hair care. Our ‘crowning glory” has hopefully not only survived, but strengthened through our use of proper hair products and the circulation “secret” to better hair…laser hair therapy for women. With better circulation of red blood cells that surround and feed each hair follicle, hair should be well fed and looking stronger, shinier and perkier. The laser hair comb does just that, stimulates hair growth. Hair in our 60s tends to flatten out and stick to the shape of our heads.

Shorter hair styles can be a great statement for a shock of white, coarser hair or the proper cut can lift up thinning hair as it has less support from a weakened follicle and from a reduced amount of “friends” around to prop him up! So, consider going shorter, lighter, and have a more modern look as well as improving the health of your scalp and hair.

Sometimes, sexy sixties can be a misnomer. Some women find that the skin in our vaginal area is also starting to dry out just like the skin on our heads and bodies. Your doctor can recommend creams or other means of stopping this form of dryness, but it also helps if we continue to concentrate on hydrating our bodies from the inside and exercising to keep our natural blood and juices flowing. Helping to keep our sexy hair through natural hair loss treatment is also preferable to using wigs or goopy hair mousses which look unnatural and are ultimately just suffocating the follicles on our scalp. Our natural hair growth doesn’t even stand a chance then! Less weight on our bodies and less weighted down hair on our heads are a great goal if we want to keep looking our best!

Many women in our 60’s are keeping up with the nips and tucks that are advertised in most every magazine…even the famous retirement mag. Some still get Botox injections, fillers, dermabrasions and mini face lifts as the years start to knock a little louder. Along with our face, our hair is something that we cannot easily hide. So, what is the best female hair loss treatment?


It is actually proven, salon tested laser hair therapy that the latest technology brings to us at home. Laser hair therapy has gone from bulky hoods and hair treatment centers that not only cost a lot of money, but tied up your time as well… to a hand held Personal Hair Therapy Laser with ease of use and a fraction of the cost that can be used in privacy and yields the same if not better results. Check out the website for the Nutreve Personal Hair Therapy Laser and see how many folks their product has helped. We may just be Getting Sexy Back!!!

This concludes our series on Ageless Beauty…One Decade at a Time.

We do NOT want to ignore our friends in their 70s, 80s and 90s who are overcoming the “loss” battle, but all of the options for healthy hair are going to be pretty much the same for those next decades. If you belong to that group, relax, you already have a lot of friends at the same stages, and although we are all unique, we are all Ageless Beauties!