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Medical Causes for Hair Loss in Women

Take a pill for this, take a pill for that. Our society has been “drug dependent” for a long time now. It seems that there is truly a pill for everything…even hair loss! With new advances drug companies have come out with Minoxidil and Rogaine to curb or even stop hair loss. As with other medicines, however, we need to know what effect any medication is having on the rest of our bodies. The best news for thinning hair treatment is that a natural hair loss treatment is now available.

The drugs taken recreationally are bad for us, we all know that. Yet, many millions daily either occasionally use drugs or are hard-core addicts. Drug addiction is an illness that can be exacerbated by environment and circumstance, but is a social disease that we all must strive to better understand and work toward ending.

Not all addicts are those out in the streets, your neighbor society chairperson or CEO can also be a victim of drug abuse and addiction. But, when given a choice to take drugs or not (by those of us without the addictive gene) our bodies would obviously do better without.

Medical issues brought on by either our gene pool, environmental pollution or hazardous material contact, accidents, illness or even old age create another dilemma for the medical community. Drugs can save our lives, or they can cut them short or even create other problems that in turn require another drug to fix the problems brought on by the first one! Mental issues are also more commonly spotted now and instantly diagnosed with a pill as the remedy. Overcrowding in schools, high standards set by admissions due to increased competition, all the TV and printed material not to even mention Social Media pressure make it a more hostile environment for our kids, and many kids turn to drugs or their parents have them off to a physician for medicines to combat depression, ADHD and a myriad of other illnesses.

Sometimes we spot the instant effects of medicines on our bodies, especially our hair. Chemotherapy and other cancer treatments sometimes have an almost instant side effect of hair loss. Other times medicines take a time to build up in our systems before we see any harmful or obvious results. For the instant loss many women turn to wigs, scarves, hairpieces and a change of hair cut once their hair starts to grow back.

For those patients who have had a drug that causes instant but reversible hair loss, there is a natural hair loss treatment that can speed the regeneration of the hair grown in the follicles. The latest in treatments is the laser hair brush for hair loss. The website for the Nutreve Personal Hair Therapy Laser shows several of many cases of before and after photos addressing this issue.

Often times though, the results of drugs and their interactions are not noticed for a long time. Hair that is duller, drier, thinner and or more brittle is often a result of medications taken. The latest treatment for thinning hair is also a natural hair loss treatment.

It does not add to your medication load. In fact, it is safe to use with any medication and is also safe for any sex, ethnicity and any color or type of hair. It is also safe for color treated, permed, straightened or condition of hair. Use of a laser hair brush will only improve the circulation around the follicles creating a stronger, shinier, thicker hair to be produced and a longer growing phase for each hair follicle.

Sometimes we CAN alleviate the use of drugs and medications, and other times we need to take these same pills to keep us alive! As long as we have a choice, fine…but for those times with no choice in taking medications, we can make sure to check with our pharmacist to stop any effects of drug interactions and make sure that there is not a different strength or type of medication that would work as well with fewer side effects. Our bodies are complicated, but our choice of hair products and how our hair adjusts to these complications should not be. We should be able to keep our tresses healthy and looking great right along with the rest of ourselves.