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You Can Fake a Younger Look…With the Help of Lasers

Skin and hair are the most telling when it comes to our age. We would all like to keep our youthful looks longer, and there are so many levels of choices when it comes to “faking a younger look”. Most of us head to the salon, dermatologist or esthetician for our fix, but now in-home devices are breaking into the mainstream of care for both skin and hair.

Makeup artists can give you a bit of a lift when it comes to a special event. Being prepped for family portraits or the red carpet make you look wonderful in the photos or on camera, but can leave you looking caked on or like a cartoon in the light of day. Hairstylists can give us the perfect do for the cameras as well, but we cannot walk around in real life situations with stiff hair lacquered in place. Makeup or hairstylists can give us an evening or one day fix, but to look more youthful in everyday life we need to invest in a more permanent solution.

Estheticians are now being rebranded as “Facialists” who work on the muscles under the skin to tone and lift the muscles that hold our skin in place. They recommend anywhere from 6 to 30 treatments done on a weekly basis by either manual or electrical impulse therapy. I haven’t yet seen a guarantee on how long it last, however! AND at $450 per treatment, this had better last awhile!

Dermatologists are charging up to $4,500 to tighten muscles using ultrasound. Radio-frequency devices melt fat in the jowl area for $6,500 and then there are the fillers to plump up the areas that are fuller in youth such as the jawline and the apples of the cheeks. Other than a scalp massage however, the hair is left out as far as “plumping” or increased production.

Now for the lasers…they are used to resurface the skin so that our pores look tighter and our age spots lighten or disappear. But what happened to the issue of our aging hair? As we get older, our follicles diminish in output both in volume and in quality of hair shaft produced. Aging follicles have a longer resting phase and a shorter growing phase so since less of them are producing at once, hair thins in women and ends production completely causing balding patches mostly in men. Laser hair therapy is a natural hair loss treatment that uses a device that is called either a laser hair brush or laser hair comb. The best devices contain pulsing wavelength cool wavelength lasers and the more the better!

The Nutreve Personal Hair Therapy Laser gives you an IN-HOME thinning hair treatment device that is ergonomic and efficient. The cost factor is minimal too. For around $600 you can purchase this device that includes rechargeable batteries, 35 pulsing lasers, a curved, smooth surface that contours to your head and even a hands-free stand for multitasking while receiving your therapy. The recommended treatment time is 15-20 minutes every other day for improved circulation to the base of the follicles so that production is stimulated and improved and waste products are carried away.

Just as we need to keep up on a healthy diet and sufficient exercise, our skin and hair also need constant attention. Looking at the price tags however, the solution for a treatment for thinning hair is far easier on the pocketbook than treatments for sagging and aging skin! For so much less, you can have an in-home device that can be used on YOUR time schedule (even away from home) for a one-time charge (instead of recurring charges that increase with age) that requires no appointments and no side effects, downtime, prescriptions or pain!

What’s not to love about lasers? They can help us have a REAL thicker, shinier head of hair…no faking!